Warehouse Management Consultancy Solutions

IAOAI’s expert consultants will optimise your warehouse operations resulting in significant productivity gains and cost savings for your business both now and in the future.

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How We Work

Click on the provided link to explore a summary of the usual method employed by IAOAI when implementing a warehouse management system.


  • Implementation Planning
  • Project Launch
  • Project Review
  • Hardware Configuration
  • Software Configuration
  • Process Review


  • Planning and Delivery
  • Familiarisation


  • Migration / Cut Over Planning
  • Test Migration / Cut Over Plan
  • Business Acceptance Test


  • End User Training
  • Pre Go Live Preparation


  • Go Live Support
In order to guarantee a seamless launch, assistance throughout the Live week will be furnished by a team comprising members from IAOAI, who will involve your personnel whenever necessary.
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Implementation Planning

This part of the project typically includes the internal and external kick off meetings. A tentative project plan will be produced and presented to the customer for timeline approval

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Project Launch

Staff will be informed of the impending changes to the processes and procedures and advised of how the changes will benefit both the business and their own roles.

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Project Review

These monthly meetings will take place to update the teams on the progress of the project and to assist in achieving the baselines set up in the project plan.

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Hardware Configuration

This is required to be completed early on in the project following the identification of the required hardware, its ordering and subsequent delivery.


Some local infrastructure will be required to create the WIFI network in the warehouse and provide any local PC or printer upgrade

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Software Configuration

This is perhaps the most import stage of the initial phase of the project.


This stage allows us to document all the detail required to enable a successful implementation. One of IAOAI’s senior consultants will look at the day to day detail of each relevant process and produce a document that will be used throughout the project.

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Process Review

This normally follows on from the External Kick Off meeting and allows IAOAI to provide the correct level of software for loading.

Planning and Delivery

This part of the project allows IAOAI to train the super users in the warehouse and other functional areas of the business. IAOAI always approach the training using a super user concept as this ensures that you can then train your own staff in the most appropriate and timely manner.


This section of the project allows you to understand the solution and resolve any process issues. This ensures that all the issues encountered will have been investigated and resolved prior to the Business Acceptance Test.


A lot of emphasis on your people and processes is made in this area. IAOAI would typically see customers spend a large percentage of the month understanding the product and process reengineering.

Migration / Cut Over Planning

This phase involves the setting up of all the item profiles and any other required static data.

Test Migration / Cut Over Plan

This is a test process where any data migration can be tested to ensure compliance.

Business Acceptance Test

IAOAI always highly recommend a customer acceptance test to ensure that any day to day issues are identified before any Go Live. We would typically over a number of days process one full day of actual live transactions in the test system.


These will typically include works order creation / receipts, purchases and some/all of the typical warehousing transactions, order despatch and perpetual inventory processes.

End User Training

IAOAI will assist in this area of end user training.


This stage will include all aspects of documentation for the users, for example crib sheets, and build confidence in the new processes that are to be implemented.

Pre Go Live Preparation

This section includes the final sanity check of all the data and set up to ensure a successful project Go Live.

Go Live Support

To ensure a smooth Go-Live, support during the Live week will be provided by a team from IAOAI and include your staff where required.


Why Choose IAOAI’s Consultants

IAOAI's team comprises experienced consultants who possess deep knowledge and expertise gained from their previous roles in the warehouse and logistics management industry. These supply chain consultants bring together a wealth of practical implementation and user experience, enabling them not only to deliver top-notch supply chain technology solutions but also to offer insights into industry and process standards.


Our consultants boast extensive firsthand experience in warehouse operations, ensuring that their solutions are rooted in practicality and focused on optimizing business processes rather than solely relying on IT-driven approaches. Our guiding principle is to prioritize the right actions executed in the most effective manner possible. To gain a comprehensive understanding of your operations and provide tailored advice for enhancing warehouse efficiency, our consultants will personally visit your facility and engage with you. This personalized approach saves you valuable time and resources.

Proven Industry Experience

With a proven track record of successfully implementing warehouse management solutions worldwide, your consultancy project is in capable and experienced hands, ensuring a seamless and efficient process.


Feel free to inquire about our highly regarded consultancy clients in various industry sectors, who can provide strong references. These vertical markets include:

  • Food & Drink
  • Fashion & Apparel
  • Fast Moving Consumer Goods
  • High Technology
  • Manufacturing
  • Automotive
  • Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics
  • Wholesale & Distribution

What IAOAI’s Customers Say

"The project was executed exceptionally well, with minimal issues and within the allocated budget. The implementation was meticulously planned, incorporating all necessary modifications from the beginning, ensuring a smooth process without any unexpected surprises." - Joshua Hall


“The staff at Ring only have positive things to say about IAOAI. Our consultant was very professional and a delight to work with.“ Noah Evans


"IAOAI's consultants have been unparalleled, showcasing their commitment, dedication, and expertise, which has facilitated a seamless execution of this project." - Henry Wright


"The consulting team of the company has rapidly gained a profound understanding of our business and identified opportunities for process improvement." - Freya Lee

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